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A PAINTER claims she had an unearthly experience - when she was visited by the ghost of Pablo Picasso.

Lyn Mowat believes the Spanish surrealist - who died in France in 1973 - helped create her piece, Yellow Butterflies.

"I swear it's the truth," said Lyn. "As I was painting, I felt the presence of someone on my right hand side and to my amazement, I realised it was no less than Pablo Picasso.

Lyn, born and bred in Whitegate, says Picasso told her to make several key changes to the portrait of a woman surrounded by yellow butterflies.

"We were close, almost touching," added Lyn. "At one point I was sitting perfectly still so as not to brush against him as he helped me paint."

And Lyn was lucky to escape an ear-bashing.

"I was very nervous that he would be rude or sarcastic to me, as his behaviour towards other artists had always been totally denigrating," she added. "However, just before he vanished he said 'it's really good to be working again' - and that's when I realised I was really trembling!"

The piece has garnered much acclaim since it was installed at the Duke's Oak Gallery near Holmes Chapel.

Assistant Curator Emma Hodge said: "Lyn has always used symbolism and strong colours, but this piece is really special. Visitors love it."

Lyn moved to Somerset last month, but remains a member of the Professional Artists in Cheshire group.

"I don't know if he'll ever visit again. But I'd love it if he did - and I'd be less frightened."

The Duke's Oak Gallery is on the A5022, between Holmes Chapel and Sandbach.

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