IT'S been a long wait for Dave Warburton, but Winsford's chief karate instructor collected his 7th dan black belt grading last week.

He has had to wait seven years for his latest honour from the Shukokai Karate Union because of the new system

"We don't take gradings now, it's for your achievements in karate over the years. So for my eighth dan I'll be waiting another eight years!

"It's to do with past performances for England and I also fought on the European circuit.

"That's very difficult to do so I finished it because it took all my time up."

Dave prefers to devote his time to teaching others Shukokai karate and had even more reason to celebrate when all students taking their respective black belt gradings passed, at a recent event at Birchwood Leisure Centre.

The chief instructor takes classes in Winsford at Cheviot Square on Tuesday nights and Willow Wood Community Centre on Thursday nights.

He also takes a class for beginners on Wednedsays at Middlewich High School. Anyone interested in taking up karate can contact Dave on (01606) 554307.

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