RECENTLY, while driving North on holiday, my wife and I decided to leave our route to visit a place shown on the map as Littler, my surname.

We did not find Littler, but we did find Littler Lane, Winsford, and Littler Grange.

With permission from the owners, I photographed the house, and on return from my holiday, I sent them a copy.

I had a charming reply from Mr and Mrs Foye, which gave me some useful information about the house, and included a copy of a Winsford Guardian article by Bob Curzon.

This shed a lot more light on the subject of Littler and encouraged me to write to Mr Curzon and ask if he could supply me with further information.

To my delight I received an extremely friendly and informative letter in reply, which enlightened me about the derivation of the name Littler and provided many more interesting facts about Littler, Over and Winsford.

I would like to express my thanks to Mr and Mrs Foye, and especially to Mr Curzon.

You are fortunate to have such a knowledgeable writer and one who is prepared to spend time and effort to satisfy the curiosity of a complete stranger.

Thank you Mr Curzon. You have started me on a search that will certainly bring me back to Winsford and Cheshire.



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