ORGANISERS of the inaugural Cheshire Youth Games have hailed the event as a huge success - and hope that it will provide the springboard for more sporting glory in the future.

Head of the organising committee and county council chief David Newton said: "The games served as a magnificent showcase for such a wide range of sporting skills from young people of all abilities, but best of all the atmosphere was absolutely electric with enjoyment."

Event manager John Byrne added: "I am sure every single person who took part on that day was proud to be there and share the experience.

"A key objective was for events to be played in a spirit of fair play and friendly competition. I would say we surpassed that."

Many of the Vale Royal youngsters received extra coaching from some of the borough's top teams and sports stars.

Now it's hoped their experiences will encourage them to continue with their chosen sports and join some of the clubs who coached them.

Next year's Cheshire Millennium Youth Games will span two consecutive days, July 1 and 2, and involve more young people and events.

Winners will then go on to represent the county in the national county finals to be held in Southampton in August 2000.

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