Let me stress Macclesfield Borough Council is as keen as everyone else to see a new library for Knutsford.

However, we cannot legally 'give away' or undersell our assets to the county council just so that they can cover the costs of supplying what is after all a service they are duty bound to provide.

The truth of the matter is that the county council have had this much-needed facility on their books for years.

Now that they finally have a £1.25 million scheme in sight they do not appear to want to pay a single penny out of their multi-million pound budget and if that means using old people's facilities as a pawn then they are evidently quite prepared to do so.

There will no doubt be many pages of newsprint written before this sorry saga ends, but residents shouldn't lose sight of the fact that we have made it clear from the beginning that if the county wanted to use our land they would be responsible for providing alternative old folk's accommodation.

Now they are faced with a shortfall they still have this responsibility and no amount of wriggling, or passing the buck to the borough will change the situation.


Leader of the council

Town Hall


Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.