Full marks also to Clr Bert Grange for his efforts to protect the interests of Knutsford.

Ever since the plans for our new library were announced I have monitored their progress through colleagues at Cheshire County Council.

The minutes of their libraries' board meeting on May 28 last year state that members discussed 'incorporating the old folk's club site in the development providing it was to be donated by Macclesfield Borough Council at nil cost and favoured including an old folk's club/meeting room facility on this basis.'

This imaginative suggestion was at first accepted by Macclesfield Borough Council, although they later put a price on the land.

Now it seems the price has suddenly been increased in what can only be another petty political attempt to block the county's plans.

This issue should be above politics and I am sure Clr Grange will have support from all parties in his battle to get the best deal for Knutsford.

As it is more than a year since the county first adopted the visionary plans for a new civic complex, obviously their patience must soon run out.

Their officer, Ian Dunn, stated last January that if the borough's wrecking actions continued it would mean having to go back to the original concept of building around the old wooden hut on 'their' piece of land.

That hut would then stand as a reminder of the full extent of the MBC's 'aesthetic cleansing' of Knutsford.


Sudlow Lane


Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.