As news of the cold-blooded shooting in Dallas, Texas, richocheted around the globe, one woman wrote in the Knutsford Guardian on November 28, 1963: 'The implications of his death are worldwide.

'At the moment I can only be depressed at the vulnerabiity of what is good in this world.

'But I do not suppose I shall ever be capable of objective judgement as his presidency was just too personal.'

In addition to teacher Barbara Brierley's tribute, Sir Walter and Lady Bromley-Davenport sent messages of condolence to the American Ambassador in London - and best wishes to Lyndon Johnson, who was sworn in as President Kennedy's successor.

Elsewhere members of what was then known as the Knutsford detachment of the British Red Cross Society sang the hymn Abide With Me before their annual party at Knutsford Old Folk's Club.

And Michael Hunkin, prospective Liberal parliamentary candidate for Knutsford, said in a statement: "Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Mrs Kennedy and her children over their tragic loss.

"It is significant of President Kennedy's influence in this country that many people are seeking the idealism of his generation, its energy and its sense of purpose."

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