IN FEBRUARY of last year a planning application was made for another superstore to be built on the site adjacent to Church Street, Farrell Street and Napier Street. After the objections from the residents of Howley and some work places the plans seemed to be rejected.

However, it now appears that it has been resurrected again in the form of an appeal. Nothing in my opinion has changed, there are already three superstores and Warrington market in an area barely one mile square from Market Gate to the Parish Church. Why on earth is it necessary for another one? What is the point of putting another superstore in this area, surely it will only make the traffic problems worse in the vicinity where at times they are already horrendous. If there is a need for another store, the obvious area is the old Tetley Walker site on Winwick Road as having the facility on that side of town would, maybe, ease some congestion.


Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.