LAST weekend scorcHing weather was the main contributing factor for the fortunes of Lymm Angling Club members.

Despite the weather the fish have generally been very obliging to our members on most waters.

Although they can be infuriating, as we all know in such conditions, fish can be seen basking on the surface with no intention of feeding, regardless of our stealth and methods.

The water with cause for concern at the moment is Spring Pool, which is not performing as well as normal. The latest water quality readings appear to show it as within the tolerances given, although the water is recovering from a pronounced algae bloom which causes, through photosynthesis, gross extremes of oxygen levels which no doubt affects the well being of the fish.

Specimen fish have been no stranger to the nets over the past week, with Lymmvale producing more than its fair share. Member Peter Sawer landed a 19.5lbs catfish, which came as quite a surprise to Peter who was fishing for the Vale's more expected fish species.

Another potential golden orfe record was landed by member Philip Wain last week. Phil's fish pulled his scales to 7lbs 14ozs 0drms and he is now considering submitting a claim for the record, as he has followed all the proper procedures in order to do so.

This week Lymmvale has also produced tench to 8-4-0, along with carp to 19-5-0, chub to 6lbs and barbel to 9lbs. Such weights are so easy to roll off the pen but to have all these specimens in one water is an angler's dream come true and the growth rates of the recently introduced catfish and carp is amazing. Lymmvale is a truly remarkable place.

Members who have not cracked the method of fishing this water should give water keepers John or Mike a ring on 01606 43862.

New Pool has produced big catfish to members Alan Neale and Ken Ward. Both were over 15lb. Alan reported a mammoth struggle with his, with it appearing to clamber onto the island a couple of times, before he was able to slip his net under it.

The rivers have also given a good account of themselves with the Bollin, downstream of the road bridge at Warburton, fishing well.

The River Severn is producing some very nice fish. Member Steve Checketts landed seven barbel from 7.5lbs to 10lbs at Llandrinio.

Not to be outdone, the River Dane has, amongst numerous chub, produced a 10-2-0 barbel to member Barry Booth at our Manor Farm stretch, which is this stretch's biggest as far as I am aware.

Congratulations to all the junior and intermediate competitors who fished the National Federation of Anglers National Match last weekend.

Not only was it the most important junior event of the year, but this year's was also an endurance test because of the heat. And we must not forget the work of the organisers. Such a match is a logistical monster.

I can be contacted on 411774.

Neil Jupp.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.