STAR centre Toa Kohe-Love has disappointed England coach John Kear by declining the opportunity to play in the national side.

It was last week reported that Kear had confirmed his interest in including the in-form Wilderspool favourite in his plans along with Wolves teammate Jon Roper.

But Kohe-Love, whose grandmother was born in Hull, said he was aiming at breaking into the squad to play for his native New Zealand.

"I haven't been approached by the coaches yet, but if they do I will turn them down," he said.

"I'm currently on the import list so I can't have it both ways and play for England as well. So I'm concentrating all my efforts on playing for New Zealand."

Speaking after the loss at Bradford on Sunday, an unconsolable Kohe-Love paid tribute to an impressive Bulls outfit.

"They were just too big and too strong. They played us off the field and scored three tries through coming straight down the middle.

"We had plenty of options out there but we didn't take the chances when we had them."

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