A STAR Wars fanatic who first felt the Force more than 20 years ago will help bring its magic to a new generation of filmgoers.

Cinema projectionist Richard Campbell, aged 31, has viewed the original Star Wars film more than 400 times since it first caught his imagination as a 10-year-old boy.

And since the third film, Return of the Jedi, was screened in 1983, Richard has collected £10,000 worth of Star Wars memorabilia and spent an estimated 1,800 hours watching the trilogy, as well as meeting many of its stars in the flesh.

Now, with the release of Episode One: The Phantom Menace, Richard is looking forward to rolling the credits himself when Star Wars mania comes to Westbrook this month.

Richard, who lives off Lovely Lane, said: "I can't wait to get my hands on the prints! The Star Wars films are magical and mythical, there's so much in there to inspire you. After I saw the first film, I started drawing and painting. A lot of people who would've gone into ordinary jobs have gone to university and got involved in film and art because of it."

Richard's most treasured possession is his Darth Vader helmet, an exact replica of the one used in the film, which he ordered from Pennsylvania at a cost of £850. His Boba Fett helmet, signed by the actor, comes a close second.

His wall is hung with signed photos of Carrie Fisher and Kenny 'R2D2' Baker, and best of all, a picture of Mark Hammill signed, "Follow the Force, Richard!" by the blonde Jedi himself.

"Around the time 'Empire' was being made, I became ill with whooping cough, and my mum wrote to Mark Hammill for his autograph, so that picture means a lot to me," he said.

But Richard shares the fears of fellow fans that, for all the hype and hi-tech effects, Part One will lack the charm of the original films.

"I don't think it can compete with the first three films - it's lost a lot of the innocence. Every single shop in Warrington is filled with Star Wars stuff, and it's just overkill," he said.

"Having said that, I am looking forward to it with a passion verging on the insane! I've been waiting 16 years for this. Through the wilderness years, we Star Wars fans have kept the flag flying."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.