THE possibility of Warrington becoming a Millennium city came a step nearer this week when councillors voted unanimously to make a strong bid for city status.

Council bosses want Warrington to be the country's 'City for Peace' because of the way townsfolk have become involved in the Irish peace process.

With the opening of the town's own Peace Centre next year to celebrate the links forged since the bombings in 1993, council leader John Gartside said that the town was ideally suited to the new title.

"The idea of a city for peace is perfect for the Millennium," said Clr Gartside. "As we approach the end of the century there is not only the Irish issue but also Central Europe."

A total £30,000 has been set aside by the council to make the bid. They will be asking townsfolk what they want and whether they have the support of the people in the near future.

Only one town in the country will be granted city status by the Queen to mark the Millennium. All applications have to be received by the Home Office by September 1.

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