PLANS to revolutionise Orford Park and William Beamont High School are gathering speed as part of an expanding £2.3 million project.

If the dream, being developed by the borough council's community services department, is realised, sports and leisure fans can expect a bright start to the new Millennium.

The GUARDIAN has already reported on attempts to form a centre of excellence for Warrington Gymnastic Club.

And a government New Deal private finance initiative could see an ultra-modern artificial sports arena at Beamont.

But more is on the drawing board, with a new gym, open to Orford students of all ages and the community, suggested.

Part of the proposals incorporate a new Healthy Living Centre and base for the Orford Neighbourhood Project, which is the subject of a bid to the National Lottery's New Opportunities Fund.

The Football Association have shown support for another sporty scheme which could see the creation of 12 mini-league soccer pitches.

Extra changing rooms for rugby and football players could be on the horizon too.

The existing Orford Park centre might be replaced by a hall, with a creche in the pipeline, a new home for rangers and the bowls club.

Clr Mike Hannon said: "It is all about sharing ideas. It is still all in its early stages but we are getting a number of partners lined up."

Funding is expected to come from the borough council, school, private sponsors, gym club, the FA, with lottery sports bosses hopefully making up the balance. The town's health panel, after viewing a presentation of the initiative, have supported the proposals in principle, with detailed consideration being given to the ideas in September.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.