VISITORS to Walton Lea Crematorium this weekend can find out how the place operates and what the plans are for the future at a special open day.

There have been a number of changes at the crematorium since the last time it threw open its doors. Registrar Angela Dunn said: "The open day provides an opportunity for the public to tour the crematorium and see how it operates, dispelling any myths and misconceptions.

"Staff will be available throughout the day to take the public on guided tours of the building and grounds. Tours will take place from 10am to 4pm at 30 minute intervals."

Before each tour there will be a presentation of proposals for future developments, including plans for a computerised book of Remembrance and the development within Warrington and Fox Covert cemeteries of special areas for the burial of babies.

There will be displays to look at and the opportunity to comment on the crematorium plans. Details from Angela on 267731.

WALTON Lea Crematorium could be open on New Year's Eve to help ease any problems during the Millennium period.

Crematorium bosses wil be meeting with funeral directors and representatives of Warrington Hospital to thrash out the best way to approach this year's extended holiday season.

Registrar Angela Dunn said: "We are looking at the possibility of opening on New Year's Eve, and obviously if there were any problems nearer the time we would extend our hours if necessary.

"We will do whatever is necessary to help."

Arrangements to cope with the deceased at Warrington Hospital and the coroner's office have yet to be finalised.

A spokesman for the coroner's Cheshire headquarters in Warrington said: "We have got a new coroner and it's too early to say what the situation will be at Christmas. There is certainly nothing cast iron in place."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.