A FATHER-of-two's fight to ensure a safer future for children walking to school in Padgate and Fairfield has won the support of hundreds of worried residents.

Near-misses between pedestrians and vehicles shooting through red lights at the junction of Padgate Lane and Orford Road, are commonplace, according to David Baker.

The Bridlemere Court campaigner fears it could only be a matter of time before somebody is killed or seriously injured at the crossroads.

Protesters are urging that extra safety measures are taken along the route. Already, more than 600 have signed his petition in a call for action.

Now Mr Baker, whose wife Toni and young sons Steven and Mark narrowly avoided being knocked down while they were walking to Oakwood Avenue Primary School, intends to take his concerns to roads bosses.

People in Padgate and Fairfield are being given the opportunity to address Town Hall officials about highway issues in the areas on July 20, at the invitation of the Fairfield Residents' Association.

Mr Baker said: "It is unbelievable - it is getting worse and worse. I want someone to get off their backsides and do something because someone is going to be killed there.

"There should be some sort of traffic calming. And there are too many cars going through the lights on red."

Surrounding areas, in Oakwood Avenue and neighbouring roads, benefit from 20 mph speed limits and Mr Baker is keen to see this practice extended.

He has been deluged with horror stories about the junction - detailing close calls with speeding cars and reports of a wheel, which had come loose from a lorry, careering down the road.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.