A FORMER inmate of Warrington's ground breaking boot camp returned to Thorn Cross Young Offenders' Institution to show other lads there that the controversial scheme can work.

Young Ammar Malik, a 21-year-old from Manchester, had hit rock bottom when he found himself on the High Intensity Training scheme at the institution a couple of years ago.

But he is now working for entrepreneur and former body builder Kerry Kayes, and mixing with the famous names who frequent Kerry's gym club.

Ammar got a placement in Kerry's company through the HIT scheme, and at the end of it Kerry was so impressed he offered Ammar a permanent job.

The entrepreneur, who himself spent six months in prison when he was 18, is touring institutions in the north west with body builders who use his gym to show young men who have strayed on to the wrong path that with discipline and self motivation they can sort their lives out.

Last week he visited Thorn Cross with body builder Ernie Taylor, holder of the Mr Britain, Mr Europe and Mr World titles, to show the lads there what can be achieved.

Employment Support Worker at Thorn Cross Phil Taylor said: "The talks Kerry gives are very positive. He talks about nutrition, discipline and how you treat your body, and also dispels a few myths.

"Since Ammar joined him at his Betta Bodies gym and Chemical Nutrition Products, he has gone from strength to strength."

Kerry said: "When I was 18 I was in prison for six months. But through training and discipline I went on to become Mr Britain, and I have never looked back.

"Thorn Cross asked us to take on Ammar as part of his sentence, and I was so pleased with him that before he was even released I offered him a job. He has been with us for 12 months and now he even organises these visits to prisons."

Many top athletes use Kerry's gym, including Manchester United footballers David Beckham and Nicky Butt. Ammar's job in dispatch and promotions means he deals with famous names every day.

Kerry added: "The reality is that discipline in whatever form you choose to take it, in our case it's training, gives you a chance if you have not got any other opportunities in life. Ammar is a perfect example of that, and at every prison we have been to, the response has been incredible."

Phil said that the lads at Thorn Cross had been "riveted" by Kerry's talk and Ernie's display, and added: "He made a lot of reference to Ammar which I think hit home."

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