BATTLING Ivy Wood and her courageous husband David are heading off later this month for a long-awaited holiday break.

Mr Wood, aged 45, from Lawton Street, Congleton, has Motor Neurone Disease, a condition which has spread rapidly since being diagnosed last year.

His plight sparked family friends, Judith Thwaite and Joyce Chilver, into fund-raising activities to send the couple and their young son on holiday.

An overwhelming response from the people of Congleton raised enough for a two-week holiday at Butlins in Skegness, but Mr Wood's current health means such a holiday is not practical.

As a result he and his wife and nine-year-old Christopher are to spend a week in the North Wales resort of Conway at a centre specialising in caring for disabled people.

Mrs Wood is due to take Christopher for a week to Butlins next month, while her husband is to be cared for at the East Cheshire Hospice.

"It's been decided to split the two-week break in two, because David's condition has deteriorated to the extent where Butlins would not be able to cater for his medical needs," said Mrs Chilver.

"I'm delighted the family will be still able to get away."

She thanked everyone who had given to the appeal, and said that any money left over would go to the hospice.

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