A GROUP of residents look set to have won the chance to create a playarea on land near their homes.

The Barony West Residents Association has been running for 11 years and when land on St Mary's Road came up for sale the group saw this as a good opportunity.

They feel a playground is needed in the area as there are a number of young children living nearby.

A pair of semi detached houses were demolished on the road four years ago and offered to local housing associations which were not interested.

It was then put on the open market and although there had been some interest the land was not sold.

In 1998 the residents association carried out a survey to see if there was a need for a children's playarea.

Some 150 properties were sent a survey asking them to fill in the details if they had children or grandchildren and they received 64 replies in favour of a playarea.

Members then visited 100 houses in the area to ask for support with a petition and 86 people signed.

Due to the costs involved in the scheme the association hopes to apply for a Landfill Tax Grant but to do that the members needed to show the land is free to buy.

"A lot of people think it's a good idea to have a playarea and was something that was badly needed," said association spokeswoman Linda Snow.

"Under sevens is the biggest group of children in the area and that's why we are going for a play area for that age group.

"As soon as we know for certain we will start the ball rolling and have a meeting with the residents to find out what they want.

"It won't be in place this year but hopefully we can have it up and running next year."

The housing committee agreed to allow the association to buy the land and on Tuesday the council's corporate services committee met to discuss the scheme and was due to agree to the idea.

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