I WOULD like to know who decides upon the routes taken for those taking part in the Warrington Walks?

The route decided upon for those taking part in the walks from St. Alban's Church was appalling. The school children, teachers and helpers had already walked from St. Alban's School down to the church where they met the rest of the parishioners, then they all walked along Bewsey Street, into Foundry Street and this was hazardous, it was like walking through a 'tip.'

Has anyone walked through there lately? On either side of the street the land is a disgrace. There is so much rubbish dumped there you could be forgiven if you mistook it for Gatewarth Tip.

Anyone visiting Warrington for the first time arriving at Central Station must get a very bleak picture of the town.

We are approaching the Millennium fast, why not clear this land as a project for the Year 2000. Bulldoze it flat. It could be used as a car park, we are always in need of parking space in Warrington. It could be used as a coach park, bringing people in to visit our town and to do their shopping, this would help our economy. Or dare I suggest something for the youngsters like an outdoor roller rink, a skate board area and a BMX cycle track. I suppose an ice rink would be too ambitious, but one is needed.

Whatever the plans are for the future for this area, something should be done short term, definitely something should be done with this land now, like a 'big clean up.'


Hood Lane

Great Sankey

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