A TEENAGER who suffers from cancer is set to jet off on the holiday of a life-time thanks to the efforts of one of his neighbours.

Michael Murray, aged 17, of Granston Close, Callands, has wanted to go to Florida all his life and thought he would never be given the opportunity to visit his dream destination.

But thanks to Carol Vincent, who lives just two doors away, Michael has started to make his holiday plans.

Carol was determined to find the cash to send Michael to the sunshine state and after organising a 60s evening, a raffle and a race night, she achieved her goal by raising £2,066.

Michael, who works for Warrington Borough Transport, has undergone three operations at Fazakerley Hospital, Liverpool, in an attempt to remove the tumour from his brain.

And he has also endured courses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in order to treat his illness.

Make A Wish, a national charity which provides holidays for children with life-threatening diseases, has also released funds to aid with the cost of his trip.

Michael said: "I think Carol is a great woman and she has done a lot for me and my family. She has a heart of gold and I'm really grateful to her for raising the money.

"I'm hoping to go to Florida with my family in October when it's not too hot and visit Disney Land. It's been my dream all my life."

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