THE people of Sankey might have been getting the strangest feeling that they were being watched this week as they went about their daily business.

For the huge, previously blank wall of the giant Crown Cars building - the former Fairclough flour mill - on Old Liverpool Road - has undergone a radical change during the week.

First it went pink, then an enormous eye appeared. And as a finishing touch an enormous tear could be seen falling from the eye.

Those who have watched the massive mural taking shape may be baffled as to what it's all about, but don't worry - the Warrington GUARDIAN has the answer.

Last month Warrington artist Anthony Turk had his plans for a huge undersea mural on the wall vetoed by council planners, who said it would distract drivers on Sankey Green roundabout and on the busy Sankey Way dual carriageway.

But he says he was told that an abstract design would not need planning permission, so he came up with this design.

Anthony said: "The eye is shedding a tear because planners and certain 'arts experts' think that to have an oceanic mural in the town is childish and not appropriate. But Warrington life evolved because of the River Mersey.

"I believe if people see the beauty in nature they will work to preserve it before it is too late."

He added: "I would have liked to have painted a mural which would have been fully understood by everyone. I would have thought our council would have supported individuals who have the energy and will to improve our surroundings."

But Warrington Borough Council's highways officer Peter Taylor said: "We maintain our position that something of that scale close to a major road junction would be a distraction, especially, as in this case, where it has been purposely designed to attract attention.

"It is something that members of the the planning committee will have to take into account when they decide whether to take enforcement action."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.