YOUNG thugs are running wild in a sleepy Warrington village, wreaking havoc on residents and motorists.

The trouble started in earnest in March when, as reported in the GUARDIAN, £5,000 worth of 'bullet-proof' glass at St Helen's Church, Hollinfare, was shattered by vandals. The special glass had been fitted over the leaded windows in a bid to prevent damage from persistent attacks.

Since then, there have been a number of incidents in Hollins Green, but things came to a head last weekend when heartless thugs:

Smashed more than 30 graves in Hollinfare Cemetery.

Shot an air-rifle across a dual carriageway, aiming at garden fences and street lights.

Stole every bulb in the traffic lights at a busy road junction.

Trashed gardens while their owners were on holiday, leaving conifers on parked cars and smashing greenhouse windows.

One woman, who does not wish to be named for fear of reprisals, has a son buried in the cemetery. She says she was stunned when she heard the news.

"I was disgusted by the mindless vandalism," she said.

"Luckily my son's grave wasn't damaged, but I know the upset that this will cause and what effect this will have on people."

The cemetery is the responsibility of Warrington Borough Council. Registrar Angela Dunn said: "Around 30 memorials were pushed over and we are currently assessing the damage and trying to contact families.

"Legally memorials are the responsibility of the grave owner, but we will try and put the damage right if we can. However, some may need to be repaired by a stonemason.

"There is nothing to be gained from this vandalism. It causes a great deal of upset to families who are already grieving."

The same distraught resident also experienced an air-rifle attack on Friday night.

"I heard something hitting the fence," she said.

"At first I thought it was stones thrown up by cars on the road, but then I heard a metallic ping and realised they were firing an air rifle. I could have been shot in the face."

Bewildered motorists cautiously made their way across the busy junction of Manchester Road and Glazebrook Lane on Friday after the vandals removed all the traffic light bulbs. The damage was eventaully repaired in the early evening.

Warrington police are investigating the catalogue of events have promised to step up patrols in the area.

Sergeant Derek Jones said: "We will be out in force in the village and we want to prevent anything like this happening again.

"We think the problems may be exacerbated by underage drinking. We know that the church yard is used as a meeting place and there have been signs of people drinking there."

Anyone with information can call Sgt Jones at Risley Police Station on 652222. For advice about damaged graves, call the council on 267731.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.