BARBECUE celebrations to mark the 51st birthday of the NHS left a nasty taste in the mouth for more than 200 people when they were struck down with a mystery stomach bug.

Two Founder's Day picnics were held in the hospital grounds for staff and guests, including the Mayor and Mayoress, representatives from Warrington Community Health Care Trust and the borough council.

But the fun was quickly forgotten as partygoers complained of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea and several members of staff were admitted to the hospital for treatment.

So far, 208 people have fallen ill, but there are fears this number could rise as all 640 guests are contacted by medics. To date, 170 people have reported no symptoms and information on the remainder is still being collected.

Environmental health officers have been called in to investigate the cause of the illness with the help of a Consultant in Communicable Disease Control. Hospital staff were sent letters advising them to stay away from work for 48 hours if they displayed symptoms. If their illness persisted, they were advised to contact their GPs.

A hospital spokesman said: "No patients appear to have been affected and the hospital continually monitors the stringent hygiene procedures which are in place on the wards.

"An investigation has been convened which includes taking microbiological samples from affected members of staff and a detailed inquiry into which items of food were consumed by those who had and had not shown symptoms.

"These symptoms suggest that a bacterial cause such as salmonella is unlikely. A viral cause is thought to be more likely, but we are awaiting the results of the tests."

Infection Control Officer Dr Ronan Garvey added: "The Trust is taking the matter very seriously and it is being thoroughly investigated with the help of the Environmentat Services Department."

One member of staff who attended the barbecue said: "Fortunately I wasn't sick but I think that's because I didn't eat a certain thing.

"We are all very upset by what has happened."

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