THE Prime Minister Tony Blair is expected in Winsford today (Wednesday) to help boost Labour's chances in the Eddisbury by-election.

Mr Blair has fitted the visit - to Winsford Shopping Centre - into his hectic schedule for around 11am.

Yesterday he told the Guardian that he was visiting Winsford because he doesn't want to miss out on the election fight.

"I've asked for meetings to be moved and engagements cancelled so I could be in Winsford. I wanted to show people that this election really matters," said Mr Blair.

Voting in the Eddisbury by-election gets underway tomorrow (Thursday) and we have full details of all the candidates on page 11.

The election campaign has already seen political heavyweights such as Tory leader William Hague, and Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott visit the constituency.

Mr Blair said he wanted to give the Conservatives "the shock of their lives" by conquering what should be one of the safest Tory seats in the country.

And he praised Labour candidate Margaret Hanson saying: "Her deep local roots mean she has a real understanding of the concerns and priorities in this constituency."

He added: "I also wanted to join the campaign to encourage people to use their vote tomorrow. I was disappointed, along with all political leaders at the Euro-elections last month. It's up to all of us to try to encourage people to use their vote."

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