HARTFORD Tennis Club may have to introduce a membership limit as more and more youngsters flock to join its junior section.

It now has over 160 members and the club may have to set a 200 member limit to make sure everyone can enjoy their facilities.

Club secretary Eileen Clarke said: "There are so many juniors at the moment it's just unbelievable.

"I'm not too sure where they are all coming from but it's great news for the club that so many young people are wanting to play and learn the sport.

"However we might have to introduce an upper limit if the numbers continue to rise in order to make sure everyone gets to use the courts regularly."

The club will be hosting the Vale Royal Tennis Tournament from Monday July 26 to Friday July 30.

The event is open to players up to the age of 18 who live or attend school in the borough or are members of the club.

Added Eileen: "The tournament is very popular and is open to any youngster who can swing a racket."

For more details or to enter contact Eileen on 01606 781247.

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