TV STARDOM beckoned last week for two Moulton youngsters.

Stephanie Beardmore and Kay Wood, both aged 11, emerged as winners from a new Children's BBC show called Insides Out.

When Stephanie saw an advert on television for a new children's quiz, she and Kay decided to write in.

And after a long chain of auditions and questions, the girls made it to the programme.

The quiz, which has yet to be broadcast, included several body-related games.

Stephanie said: "There were four games. One of them was called 'Hit the Zit' and we had to get into massive hand costumes and burst balloons filled with custard."

Among the audience were pupils from Moulton Primary School and members of Moulton Guides.

The youngsters' prize was a free family ticket to the Millennium Dome.

Just over a year ago, the Guardian first covered the story of Stephanie, who overcame her acute lymphobastic leukaemia thanks to a bone marrow transplant from her brother, Elliot.

A year on, and Stephanie is living life to the full, picking up where she left off. She'll be starting at The County High School, Leftwich, in September, and she played the Scarecrow in Moulton's Crow Fair.

Insides Out starts in September and the girls' round will be shown on December 8.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.