CHEEKY Daryl Vanhorn caused a bit of a stir in Northwich town centre last Friday - when he advertised for a girlfriend!

The 'lovelorn' painter was appealing for a companion after going through a messy divorce.

And so he put an advertisement in the window of the old Manweb shop - in Witton Walk, next door to Woolworths - which he is helping refurbish for Clinton Cards.

The divorcee told perplexed shoppers that he was looking for a 'good woman' who liked flower pressing!

Never one to shirk a challenge our intrepid reporter Vivien Kandel decided to find out more - precariously balanced up 10 feet of scaffolding.

But like all fairytales, it ended happily ever after when Daryl confessed it was all a joke.

Although he is going through a divorce, he already has a girlfriend back in his hometown of Nottingham.

Clinton Cards is due to open at the shop on August 7.

The firm's operations director John Robinson explained why they were opening in Northwich.

"Northwich is a 'buzzy' market town and we have been targeting it for some time.

"We are hoping to employ eight people with the possibility of temporary staff for Christmas," he said.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.