Cheshire County Council promised on Monday that work would start 'sooner rather than later' to finish widening Church Walk.

"It is nearly finalised, but there are still a couple of matters outstanding that need sorting out," said a council spokesman.

The latest - and final - hold-up was blamed on Railtrack's bosses who were worried about safety.

But last week after a fresh approach from Cheshire, a Railtrack spokesman said she expected work to start imminently.

"Talks are still on going, but there are no major hitches," she said.

Nearby residents and traders will be notified when the work restarts. Church Walk will be closed to traffic. Cars will be diverted through town.

The footpaths in Church Walk will also be closed for part of the five weeks it will take to complete the work.

The work is expected to cost at least £40,000.

The first phase to widen the entrance to Church Walk began in 1994, but since then the scheme has been hit by a number of problems.

In 1997 a lack of funds scuppered progress on Church Walk.

This week a council spokesman said discussions with Railtrack were ongoing, but said work was likely to start at the end of the summer holidays.

"We are dependent on Railtrack because they have to have someone there to make sure they are happy with arrangements," she said.

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