The ex-journalist told how the home of Major Milos Stankovic had been ransacked by the MoD police.

"They took not only his diaries of Bosnia and his souvenirs, but everything they could find - an old copy of Playboy, Christmas cards and a piece of sandpaper," he said.

The MP for Tatton went on to question the role of the MoD police.

"It is a relatively new force and does not seem to share the accountability of other police forces," he said.

He went on to accuse the MoD police of trying to turn neutral witnesses into hostile witnesses.

"We have documentary proof of that," he said.

Mr Bell last raised Major Stankovic's case in an adjournment debate in the House 19 months ago.

"The injustices suffered by this serving major of the British Army have continued and intensified," he said. "His has been a long and lonely ordeal." Armed Forces Minister Doug Henderson said he had 'every confidence' in the MoD police - and accused Mr Bell of making serious allegations.

"It is not my obligation to intervene on investigations undertaken by the MoD police," he said.

"It is their responsibility to investigate allegations."

Major Stankovic, MBE, was arrested on suspicion of spying for Bosnian Serbs during the Yugoslavian war in the early 90s.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.