CONGLETON Chamber of Trade president Ian Swann warned this week that overheads and red tape were driving shopkeepers out of business.

Mr Swann said small businesses in Congleton were doing badly, and he knew of at least four shops in the town centre due to close.

He urged local shopkeepers to send off for a booklet about a new small business service due to be set up by the government.

The document is entitled Small Business Service - A Public Consultation, which people can obtain free of charge.

"The aim of the service is to do away with all the recent red tape introduced for small businesses," said Mr Swann.

"It is also seen as a way of consulting small businesses on what they think needs to be done to regenerate town centres.

"If enough local retailers send off for the document I am happy to arrange a meeting to discuss the issues raised in it.

"Small businesses are faring very badly in Congleton, it is time we fought back, and this new service could be the best chance we have had of having our views heard in the Houses of Parliament.''

The new service would be run by the DTi and anyone who would like a copy of the consultation document should telephone 0870-1502500.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.