THIS little pony is looking for a new home after being nursed back to health with tender, loving care by Janice Shelders and the children from her nursery.

Two-year-old Molly had been neglected and mistreated since birth before going for sale at Beeston Market.

Her future looked bleak along with that of another unfortunate pony named Taffy who was in an even worse condition after constant beatings.

Nursery owner Janice spotted them both at the market and immediately took them in as part of an animal rescue project she hopes to develop and get the children involved with.

After moving the ponies to stables in Hassall Green, Sandbach, she has spent two months giving them the love and attention needed for their rehabilitation and to restore their faith in humans.

Janice runs 'The Children's Nursery' in Leighton, Crewe, which has helped to meet the costs of keeping the ponies and restoring their health.

"Helping animals is a project we've wanted to get off the ground for a while" said Janice, "It's a great learning experience for the children and we couldn't do it without them and the nursery's help."

Molly has fully recovered now and is ready to find a new home.

When she leaves her space will be filled by another unfortunate in need of help.

Janice is looking for someone with experience and suitable space to take Molly 'on loan' and to look after her.

Anyone who can help or would like further information can contact Janice on 253833.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.