BEECHWOOD Primary School children have been busy helping themselves and others!

The enterprising youngsters splashed out with a fund-raiser for their school's new computer suite due to be installed during the summer holiday.

Twenty five of them took part in a sponsored swim and raised £752. A number of local businesses dived in to give their bid a boost.

And Year 6 pupils, under the direction of their teacher Mrs Diane Braund, have given a helping hand to the Englesea Brook Primitive Methodism Chapel and Museum by providing it with a Victorian kitchen.

The youngsters came to the rescue of museum curator the Rev Stephen Hatcher who had hoped to feature a kitchen range from Burwardsley Chapel as the centrepiece of a Victorian kitchen scene.

But the range totally disintegrated when it was taken out.

"Beechwood came to the rescue with the marvellous kitchen they had created during their work about the Victorian era. It had stood proudly in the entrance area to the school. Now it has pride of place in the museum," he added.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.