A NEW idea they've come up with down south is a hotline for people who have lost their faith. So if you're a lapsed Catholic, you can just pick up the phone and talk about it.

The experiment is being carried out by one of the parishes. I think they should be concentrating on getting people back into churches instead of introducing these gimmicks.

It is the churches which should be changing. They have become a bit outdated.

THESE new fat camps for obesity where you send your children away for £2,000 are absolutely disgraceful!

If you're not strong enough to help your own children through their problems, you shouldn't be a parent.

You don't just farm them out. It's too easy these days for parents to opt out.

If I was a child sent to one of these fat camps, I would feel very unwanted and unloved.

THE latest craze to hit dance clubs is very frightening.

Dogworm tablets are being stolen all over the country and being passed off as ecstasy tablets.

They are the same size and, in the dark, these unscrupulous dealers are getting away with it.

I wish youngsters would get a grip of themselves.

I would no more go to a stranger and buy something in a tablet. It could be rat poison!

WHERE were you when President Kennedy was killed? I wonder why this is something which always sticks in your mind?

I think this week's air crash is absolutely tragic. I can't imagine what that family must be going through.

IS there any point saving up a nest egg to retire? You could be in a nursing home beside something who has had a whale of a time, spent every penny and has no savings! I wonder whether it might be better to just live and enjoy yourself!

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.