VENTURING forth into the stricken ruins of Kosovo on a mercy mission might appear to be a thankless task.

But once Cheshire Aid volunteers Roy Thorpe, Steve O'Connell and Alan Braniff see the smiles on the faces on refugee youngsters, they know it will all have been worthwhile.

For Roy, of Shiggins Close, Great Sankey, it will be his first trip to the former Yugoslavian country.

And he knows what his ambition will be even before the trio embark on their expedition.

"If we manage to change one child's view about their neighbour, who might have a different religion, then that would be great," he said.

The former Royal Artillery sergeant has seen his fair share of human tragedy after serving in the Gulf and Northern Ireland.

"People now think that normality has again become part of their lives but is it probably worse now than it was before," he said

"Before they were being looked after in large camps. But now they have gone back to their villages, which have been devastated. We will be going out with one of the last convoys before the winter."

Colleague Steve has been to the former Yugoslavia before and knows that once you win a youngster's trust, parents will soon make aid workers feel welcome.

Driving duties will be shared between the three, who all work for the same haulage firm and are taking out two trucks out with them during their works holidays.

What the future holds, as they attempt to distribute food, medicines and toiletries, will depend very much on the condition of the towns and villages they encounter.

On their travels, scheduled to start at the beginning of October, they hope to spread a little happiness among children at the Decani Monastery Hospice and surrounding communities.

Customers at ASDA stores can lend a hand with their relief efforts, with bag packing sessions planned at the Westbrook site on July 31 and the Cockhedge Centre on August 14.

And five youngsters at Sacred Heart RC School have chipped in by starting their own penny collections.

"We need as much help as we can," added Roy, "we are only small at the moment but we are spending 30 or 40 hours a week on this project."

People wanting to make donations to the appeal, which is in the process of becoming a registered charity, can contact the team on 07880 735193.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.