BATTLING mum Katharine Naylor is backing doctors in their bid to find a cure for the rare condition which her son, Matthew, copes with every day.

The brave five-year-old, from Nansen Close, Old Hall, is just like any other youngster at first glance, with a love of football and rough and tumble.

But life is a little different for Matthew, as just one of 50 people nationwide who suffers from Klippel Trenaunay syndrome, a rare congenital blood disorder.

Yet mum Katharine endured years of heartache before she knew the truth behind Matthew's condition - spending hours undertaking medical research on the internet and taking her son for tests to Alder Hey Hospital.

Katharine said: "You could not just get a book from the library about the condition - there was no-one we could turn to."

Eventually she learned of a support group dedicated to KT, and gradually built up an understanding about the disorder.

Mainly affected in his right leg and the right side of his body, Matthew can often suffer from fatigue. The main worry is that the syndrome will result in bowel and bladder problems in later life.

Other symptons include soft tissue and hypertrophy, internal bleeding, birthmarks, varicose-like veins and in the most severe cases, limb amputation.

Research is still in its early stages. But Great Ormond Street consultant paediatrician Dr John Harper and fellow experts are beginning to make some progress.

But the family is facing difficulties in obtaining a referral to Dr Harper, who they believe could advise them on simple measures which would benefit the youngster's future health.

"There is no known cure for Matthew's condition," said Katharine. "He knows he is different but he does not let it limit him. He is a pupil at Sacred Heart Primary and the school has been wonderful."

Games of soccer could soon be a thing of the past for Matthew though - mum Katharine fears injuries from contact sports might increase the risk of internal bleeding.

She is currently attempting to kickstart a fundraising drive but is looking for ideas from seasoned Warrington campaigners. Readers can contact her on 652033 or the KT support group co-ordinator Carol Wilson on 01226 780085.

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