MORE than 15,000 people flocked to Walton Gardens last Sunday to make this year's Disability Awareness Day the biggest and best yet.

The unique event featured seven marquees and 250 display stands offering support, information and advice from voluntary organisations and businesses.

A wide range of fun activities were also available for disabled and able-bodied people alike.

Disability Services Advisor and event organiser Dave Thompson said he was thrilled at the success of the event. "It was busy as soon as the event started at 10.30 am. One thousand people used the Park and Ride Scheme at Priestley College, and we had visitors from London and all over North Wales, which shows that the event now has a national profile," said Dave.

An all-day extravaganza of music, dance and drama took place at the Activate Arts marquee, as musicians and artists with disabilities showcased their skills.

And sportier visitors had a chance to try their hand at everything from archery to pistol shooting, thanks to the efforts of the council's Sports Development Officer, Clive Jones.

Said Dave: "This year, we really moved away from the assumption that disabled people are all wheelchair users - there were lots of people at the event with disabilities which weren't visible."

He added: "We've already had three meetings about next year's event, which will be held on July 22 and 23. There's nothing like this anywhere else. It's not just about disabled people, it's about a whole community pulling together. Next year will be bigger and better still!"

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