LITTLE Daniel Wilcox is lucky to be alive after his footwear protected him from an electric shock.

But his furious mum Beverly is demanding to know how the seven-year-old was able to accidentally tread on exposed cables outside his school.

The force of the electric current hurled Barrowhall Primary pupil Daniel several feet into the air in a shower of sparks - and left him in fear of basic household electrical appliances.

Only the rubber soles of his shoes, it is believed, spared the Whittle Hall youngster from greater injury - or even worse.

An investigation has now been launched by the borough council and Manweb into who is responsible for leaving the wires exposed.

The only visible, physical mark of Daniel's ordeal is a black imprint on the bottom of his shoes.

Angry Beverly, of Mossdale Close, who believes the cables once formed part of a lamp-post fitting, said: "It was his shoes which stopped him from being electrocuted.

"This could have been fatal for Daniel. I am mortified that this lamp post could have been left like this."

Days passed until the full effects of Daniel's shocking experience came to light. He became ill and was later upset when his mum attempted to do the ironing, as he worried about the wiring associated with the device.

Workmen arrived to make the danger site safe after Beverly complained to Town Hall bosses.

Beverly said: "I am concerned that there are more of these lamp post fittings around."

"It could have all been too late for Daniel and I do not want this to happen to anyone else."

Council spokesman John Rowson said it was clear that a structure had been left in Barrowhall Lane with a live feed connected.

But Town Hall records dating back to 1994 could not shed any light on the situation, said Mr Rowson, confirming that the council and Manweb were conducting joint inquiries into the matter.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.