SIMON Gillies has achieved what points machine Toa Kohe-Love has not been able to so far this year, score a hat-trick.

Gillies, the Wolves' skipper, crossed three times against London Broncos at Wilderspool on Sunday and it was his third try which sealed the win for his team.

Afterwards the Wolves' skipper said: "Hat-tricks are an opportune thing. I'm not in Toa's League when it comes to beating blokes.

"But if someone gives me the ball and the line's there then I'll happily fall over. You take these chances when you get them and it was good to have a good result and it's great to score a hat-trick."

The Wolves' skipper finished off well and it was a good job he did as Warrington bombed several golden opportunities for scoring against and burying the Broncos.

Gillies said: "Everyone enjoys that second where you put the ball over the line but that small amount of joy isn't enough to make up for the frustration of seeing tries being bombed, specially on a hot day like it was when any point was going to be a bonus late in the game.

"There were a couple of times when I'm not sure what was going through players' heads. In a three-on-one situation you always pass the ball but two or three times when the line was open the ball didn't get to the person in the clear so we're going to try and get this aspect out of our game."

It was a great return to the side for Gillies who missed the previous week's Bradford humilation with ankle and knee injuries.

Coach Darryl Van de Velde said: "He's now had four hat-tricks in his first grade career and it was a good effort.

"He's just tireless and relentless. He competes on every play and that's the secret of this game.

"He hasn't got the leg speed that he had a few years ago but he's a great competitor, grinds out the yardage and defensively he's very sound."

Top tryscorer Toa Kohe-Love.

Wolves captain Simon Gillies scored a hat-trick against London.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.