WINSFORD Angling Association is holding a series of junior competitions at the Red Lion throughout this month.

The first was held yesterday, Tuesday, and the result was: 1 Ashley Billinge, 4lb 15oz; 2 Alex Lawrence, 3lb 14oz; 3 Jonathan Billinge, 2lb 6oz; 4 Jonathan Ogden, 2lb 5oz. Female member Vicky Martin was eighth with 1lb 4oz.

The remaining dates are August 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31. Draws take place at 9am, with fishing from 10am until 1pm.

On Sunday, August 1, the association is staging an open fishing day at New Pool, Whitegate, from 10am until 6pm.

The day will feature stalls, rides and refreshments, plus fishing instruction by Whizzo North West. Entry is free.

For more details, contact Bob on 01606 836725.

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