LABOUR candidate Margaret Hanson has been looking on the bright side of her by-election defeat this week.

Even though the 37-year-old local girl came second in the battle, she sees this as a victory for her party. In what has traditionally been regarded as a true blue Tory seat, she was delighted with the result.

Margaret said: "The result was absolutely fantastic for the Labour Party. We fought an excellent campaign. We went out to all areas of the constituency and proved there weren't any no-go areas for Labour.

"The Labour Party in Eddisbury is now stronger than ever before and we will continue fighting."

A Labour Party supporter added: "It's an excellent result for us. Up to three weeks ago we would have expected to lose the seat by about 8,000 to 9,000 votes. But it's disappointing for the Winsford part of the constituency because they've never had an MP to represent them properly."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.