On work experience

with the Guardian

WINSFORD'S oldest church, St Chad's, faces a bleak future because it cannot afford to pay for desperately needed repairs to its drive.

The church dates back to 1307 and it is set in a conservation area surrounded on all sides by fields.

But a total of £16,220 must be found to allow the work to be carried out on its picturesque, tree-lined drive, which is now almost unfit for traffic.

Originally a coach road, Swallow Lane was surfaced to take modern traffic a number of years ago, but has since been allowed to deteriorate, due to general wear and tear, into its current state.

In response to the problem, Rev Jerry Sutton has come up with a series of ideas to raise the cash.

These include a sponsorship scheme, whereby members of the public will be able to sponsor the resurfacing work at the rate of one pound per linear inch.

A charity night will also be held on October 22, tickets for which are £5. This will include an auction to be held during the evening and the church is currently looking for donations of items or services for auctioning.

Mr Sutton said: "Without the drive the church has a very limited future."

The only other access to the site is by way of three footpaths.

Mr Sutton added: "The church is experiencing serious financial difficulties in keeping the church in a good state of repair, which is essential if the church is to be handed on to future generations."

The church's only source of income is from the collection plate, donations, fundraising events and fees from weddings and funerals, and it has no reserves. It is therefore completely reliant on donations from the public to safeguard its future.

Anyone who would like further information or can help St Chad's in its quest to raise the necessary money should contact Rev Jerry Sutton on 01606 593222.

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