BOWLER Barbara Winnington could set up a real love match in the Roberts Bakery Cup.

The Hartford ace has become the first woman to reach a major Mid Cheshire finals night - and could face her husband Mark if she wins her first match.

"I'm really pleased just to get there," she said. "I had to play four very tough games against some experienced male bowlers so it's a great achievement.

"We could end up playing each other, but whoever might win I'm not saying what will happen afterwards.

"But it's great for the family that Mark is in the final as well."

If they do meet, the match will mean divided loyalties for teenage son Robert, himself a keen bowler.

But Barbara added: "He'll only be supporting one person on the night - his mum!"

Both husband and wife face tough openers in the finals, staged at Beech Tree on August 6.

Barbara must play Slow and Easy's Andy Southern while Cowley Cup champ Mark will take on Lostock team-mate Nigel Faulkner.

Meanwhile ex Guardian Cup winner Alan Vickers will be hoping to take the cup to Wharton Cons, although Lostock's Terry Hall will be a tough first opponent.

Lostock's fourth representative, Martin Griffiths, will take on Hartford's Alan Chantler in the remaining quarter-final contest.

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