PRIME Minister Tony Blair's whistle-stop tour to Winsford turned into a near-riot last Wednesday.

His visit was marred by an ambush of Tory supporters who chanted "Tony Tony Tony, out out out".

Tempers flared as the PM was jostled and booed by one section of the crowd who had clearly come to disrupt Labour's election rally in Winsford Shopping Centre.

They waved banners in front of TV cameras, with slogans such as 'Blair's Broken Promises', 'Towny Tony Learn About The Country' and 'Save The Pound'.

When Mr Blair eventually reached the podium, where he intended to give a speech with Labour candidate Margaret Hanson, their voices were drowned out by a real racket as the anti-Blair rabble bellowed accusations at him.

The pushing and shoving became more serious and the PM, looking very worried by now, asked everyone to calm down.

With his arm around Margaret Hanson, he tried to speak over the campaigners, saying: "I think Margaret Hanson deserves to be heard by the people here. The Conservative party are trying to drown out her voice. Find your own rally!

"As for the people who are talking about Europe and farming, the Tories put the beef ban on, we got it lifted."

But policemen struggled to hold back the protesters. Tomatoes were thrown at Mr Blair and a side of beef narrowly missed Margaret Hanson's head.

One man was arrested during the demonstration, but he was later released without charge.

The PM's intended one-hour stay became just a 15-minute call. He was led to safety by police and Labour supporters.

Afterwards, Mr Blair called on William Hague to denounce what he claimed was a Conservative attempt to disrupt Labour's campaign.

He said: "I do not think we should take the shouting of some Conservative protesters for what the people in the countryside want.

"I think this is a Labour party that can appeal to all sections of the community as opposed to a Conservative party which represents a very narrow privileged section."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.