HALTON Haven will survive - with the support of the local community.

The cancer care centre's new chief executive Martin Dunkley this week paid tribute to the charity's pioneering founder and appealed to World readers to help him keep Dom Valdez's dream alive.

Said Martin: "I am determined to keep his dream alive. But we desperately need the help of the local community."

Mr Dunkley is hoping to recruit an army of volunteers, similar to the 300-strong crew which supports St Rocco's Hospice where he has worked as part-time chief executive for the past three years.

He will continue to share his time between the two hospices as they have so much in common.

Mr Dunkley has already had talks with North Cheshire Health and is confident of their continued support.

Halton Haven closed the last financial year £10,000 in the red.

The centre receives almost half its funding from the health authority and the rest from donations.

Mr Dunkley says his aim in the future is to make it self-sufficient.

"At the moment, we have some beds for the elderly and chronically ill. We will keep these in the short term as a source of income but we will gradually focus on palliative care as our core business.

"The important thing is that the community feels a sense of ownership."

Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer can ring Halton Haven on 01928 719454 for an application form.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.