SPY master Austin Powers might be more than a match for Dr Evil in his latest movie masterpiece. But his "mojo" has failed to impress more than 30 worried citizens of Warrington.

Controversy has erupted over the second Austin Powers blockbuster - The Spy Who S*****d Me - where the spoof 1960s secret agent attempts to recover his lifeforce or "mojo".

Town Hall bosses have been deluged with complaints over the risque wordplay used in the title and are now lodging an official complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority.

Billboards promoting the movie, starring Mike Myers and Heather Graham, are currently displayed at a number of prominent locations in the town.

Borough council chief executive Steven Broomhead said: "The council and myself certainly view with concern the size and scale of the posters, and particularly the wording.

"It is not in keeping with the ethical standards we are trying to establish in Warrington."

Phone lines at the Town Hall were buzzing after the movie was premiered in Warrington last weekend and people arrived in person at council offices to register their disgust.

Because the film - and poster campaign - coincides with the school summer holidays it is feared curious youngsters might quiz parents about the real meaning behind the hit release.

Advertising watchdogs will receive a "strongly-worded" response from town leaders, according to Mr Broomhead, who said that complaints had been received from a cross-section of the public.

The advertising board outside Westbrook's UCI cinema coyly calls the film Austin Powers 2. Meanwhile the authorities in Singapore have ordered cinemas there to call the film Austin Powers: The Spy Who Spoke Well Of Me...

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.