A NEW initiative which offers potential sports stars a safety net as they try to hit the big time has been launched in Warrington.

Priestley College is offering talented sportsmen the chance to reap the benefits of professional coaching whilst gaining qualifications in sports science.

The scheme - a partnership between the college, Warrington Wolves and Warrington Town Football Club - will be available to youngsters who have just completed GCSEs and begins in September. There will be separate courses for footballers and rugby players who will earn a B-tec in Sports Science, the equivalent of 5 GCSEs, and the college hopes to offer higher levels for those hoping to pursue degrees.

The aim is to bridge the gap youngsters experience between completing GCSEs and being old enough to play for first class teams in top flight competition.

Nigel Howells, head of sport, leisure and tourism at Priestley College, said: "Students will be getting an education whilst they are trying to make it in sport. If they are not good enough to make the grade they will have real qualifications to fall back on. If they do make the grade they will have skills they can use later in life."

"We are hoping eventually to expand the course to include other sports such as tennis, swimming and hockey."

The course has already been offered to apprentices at Warrington Wolves and Warrington Town, though it is available for anyone who has an aptitude for rugby or football.

Paul Derbyshire, Warrington Wolves' academy coach and community development officer, said: "The main bulk of the course will be college work but there will be times when coaches from the club will go to the college and train with students.

"Although we don't expect everyone on the course to have the potential to become a Super League player, we hope there will be some who make it."

To apply for the course contact Priestley College admissions department on 633591.

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