PLEAS to motorists to belt up before every journey appear to be falling on deaf ears among road users in Warrington.

More than 500 motorists have paid the price of not ensuring they "clunk-click" for every trip - and it appears delivery drivers are the town's worst culprits.

The shock figures come at the end of just 12 days of campaigning and enforcement action on seat belt legislation by Warrington Police's traffic department.

Sgt John Hayes said: "It is obvious, by the amount of people being prosecuted, the message is still not getting home.

"It seems a lot of van drivers and people driving small goods vehicles are the main offenders."

Parents who don't buckle up their young sons and daughters in the rear of vehicles have also come in for special attention, with officers seeking to educate mums and dads about the dangers of belt-less travel.

"Not wearing a seat belt is still the one of the major contributory factors to serious injury in the event of a road traffic accident," warned Sgt Hayes.

"The benefits of seat belts are common knowledge and research has shown why you should wear your belt."

Police are warning that their crackdown on belts will continue - at any hour of the day or night.

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