DOZENS of angry Alsager residents are urging councillors not to renew an entertainments licence at a nearby university campus.

People from Derwent Close and Wood Drive claim the behaviour from students walking home from the Hassall Road complex is "appalling."

They say they are regularly woken at midnight, and the noise continues for three hours.

As a result people living in both roads put together a 26-name petition opposing a bid by the university to renew its annual entertainment licence.

"I and other neighbours have taken to wearing earplugs at night, which afford a reasonable night's sleep," said Wood Drive resident Graham Bardell.

"I've contacted the university, and as far as they are concerned there is no problem."

Residents are asking the borough council not to renew the licence until the college introduces a system to enable them to sleep in peace.

University vice-chancellor Alexandra Burslem said a small minority of students were involved in late night noise, and four had been cautioned for rowdy behaviour as a result of police patrols.

"It's wrong to suggest we're indifferent to this behaviour, but it's very difficult to stop, and we're committed to being good neighbours with everyone living nearby," she said.

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