FOUR new projects are being looked at to encourage older people in the borough to live life to the full.

The ideas have been put forward by the 'Older Person Commission' - a partnership between the borough council and local organisations which looks at a wide range of issues affecting the elderly.

Since its creation the group has concentrated on setting up four projects:-

A - Z Guide - this is designed to be a guide of services and activities for the elderly. The commission asked local groups to let them know what currently exists and the guide is currently in draft form.

Younger/Older Generation - at a recent meeting of the commission it was decided that it would be a good idea to try and bridge the generation gap by asking older people to go back into school and help students with subjects such as local history and the arts.

Information Technology - often Information Technology is seen as a 'young persons tool'. Several members of the commission have expressed concern about the provision of IT training for older people and this is currently being investigated with several organisations.

Bunbury Activage - the commission will help fund Activage classes which consist of gentle exercise and advice on general health and well being. They will take place in Bunbury later this year. Anyone interested in joining or finding out more should contact Linda Bennett at Age Concern on 01270 582702.

Crewe and Nantwich Mayor, Cllrr Chris Thorley is a member of the commission. He said "This is an exciting initiative. The projects that are being started will go a long way to helping the older generation in our community."

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