THE KEY to a whole range of community activities has been handed over.

Marshfield Bank Residents are delighted with their new centre, funded by a quarter of a million pounds from the state lottery with a substantial input from Crewe's West Enders.

"We only got the key on Wednesday and we've already got groups and organisations eager to use it. The centre is for everyone and it looks as though the community is going to make good use of it," said Residents' Association Chairman Yvonne Partridge.

Over the past few days a martial arts group, dance troupe, disco dancers and two football groups have used it. A family also booked it for a children's party.

"We are so thrilled with it. We not only have a function hall, but there's a pleasant lounge, a kitchen and everything else needed. Our only fear was that the community might not take advantage of if. But it looks as though we needn't have worried. Things are really taking off," Mrs Partridge added.

She was delighted with the number of people who turned up for the handing over of the key by architect John Carter and to have a look round the centre.

Now the organising committee are looking forward to a grand official opening in the autumn.

"With the borough council we are hoping to have a celebrity to do the honours. By that time the building and its surroundings will have been finished and looking their best," said Mrs Partridge.

Fund-raising to keep the centre going will continue.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.